you a writer? a teacher? a political activist?
Guidelines for Submitting Articles:
* CAR is soliciting manuscripts and artwork
on Cuban history, studies, and literature.
* CAR welcomes letters, queries, unsolicited
manuscripts and artwork on all topics.
* The work may be submitted in either
English or Spanish.
* Include a SASE for response.
* Lack of any representation to include name,
title, address, and telephone number, only
signifies insufficient materials and will
not be considered.
* Submissions cannot be returned unless a
self-addressed stamped envelope is included.
* No responsibility is assumed for loss
or damage.
* CAR will not accept electronic submissions.
Please send submissions and correspondence to:
Attention: Editor
Cuban American Review
986 NE 126th Street
Miami, FL 33161
Deadline to receive manuscripts:
June 31, 2013