Cuban American Review







The Cuban American Review publishes essays, interviews, and articles focusing on Cuban and Cuban American issues and themes from the perspective of Cuban exile writers, and other writers and scholars committed to freedom and democracy. Creative works by Cuban writers in poetry, short fiction, and creative non-fiction with a broad thematic range, as well as works by non-Cubans dealing with Cuban themes and political subjects are also considered for publication.

Guidelines for Submitting Articles:
CAR is soliciting manuscripts and artwork on Cuban myths, heroes, and tyrants. CAR welcomes letters, queries, unsolicited manuscripts and artwork on other topics. The work may be submitted in either English or Spanish. Include a SASE for response. Lack of any representation to include name, title, address, and telephone number, only signifies insufficient materials and will not be considered. Submissions cannot be returned unless a self-addressed stamped envelope is included. No responsibility is assumed for loss or damage. 

Send submissions and correspondence to:

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Cuban American Review Online

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